So you won’t face any issues after downloading it and can use it in any version of the Sims franchise. The best part about this module is that it’s compatible with the base game and the expansion packs as well. It’s fun for both you and your character, and watching them twerking is a hilarious thing you’d come across. If your character is a dancer by profession, they can upskill with this move, or they can do it just for fun. Trust me, it’s quite a refreshing change from the standard dance moves that your sim does because, after some time, they start feeling repetitive. We can list several reasons why this modification is a must have, but we’ll only focus on a few important ones in this article. Also, when your character does have this hidden talent, then why not let them showcase it to the world?

7.The game already allows your characters to do basic dance moves, but twerking is a whole other addition to those because it enhances their personality and makes them fun people to be around.

Overall, it sounds like this mod might heighten your Sims' emotions slightly, but the modder has had 'some spectacular,' albeit rare, 'results with Sims fighting and dying of anger because they couldn't resolve their issues in time.' Fingers crossed you get to put your Sims through that drama at some point, too. For example, a Sim that feels flirty might prefer to keep on flirting, while an evil Sim would be less likely to tell a lot of jokes. Sims' autonomous behavior will also be more influenced by their mood or their traits.

Raise your hand if you like to cause as much drama in your Sims' lives as possible! Where's the fun in just watching your Sims go about their day in a normal, pleasant way? Sims should always be getting into arguments and pulling pranks on others, or else what's the point? This mod from FlorianPTME on Mod The Sims tries to nudge Sims into more conflict rather than shy away from it with their autonomous actions, as they tend to do in the game.